Copier Lease Cost

Copier Lease Cost

Copier Lease

Ownership - With buying you gain ownership; with leasing the equipment remains the property of the lessor

When leasing a MFP or copier, you should consider:

Read customer reviews and ratings online

Leasing is less expensive upfront than buying, but you must pay the entire price upfront.

Use recommended maintenance and duty cycle schedules

Copier Lease Cost - Copier Lease

  • Copier Lease
  • Toner Cartridge
  • Copier Repair

No commitment needed

If you analyze these differences in relation to the specific circumstances of your situation, it will be easier for you to determine whether leasing or purchasing makes more sense financially and operationally.

Get quotes from 2-3 authorized dealers at minimum

Schedule delivery and installation

Taking these steps allows you to make a well-informed purchasing decision on the right copier or MFP for your specific needs.

The perfect lease will fit your current and future usage levels, while also providing your business with the services and capabilities it needs. Working with an authorized dealer who is knowledgeable about your business environment will help you structure the best lease agreement.

Update firmware and drivers

Copier Lease Cost - Copier Repair

  1. Copier Lease
  2. Toner Cartridge
  3. Copier Repair
  4. Copier Rental
  5. Copier Rental

Copier Lease

SLA uptime guarantees - Ensure adequate response time and uptime

Lease structure can have tax benefits

Find the best models and sellers in your price range

Renting, Buying, or leasing a multifunction printer?

No recurring lease costs to contend with

When you buy, the equipment becomes yours; when you lease it, the equipment is still the property of the lessee.

Copier Lease
Print Leasing Services

Print Leasing Services

Factors to look at when buying copiers and MFPs:

Upgrade or extend rental period as needed

The shortest time between 1-3 months

Customer reviews and ratings are available online.

Test equipment before purchasing.

For businesses and organizations needing new document imaging equipment like photocopiers and multifunction printers (MFPs), there are three main acquisition options: leasing, renting, or buying. Each approach has pros and cons to consider based on factors like costs, equipment needs, usage levels, and long-term goals.

Get a discount on your purchase or ask about financing options

Copier Lease Cost - Copier Repair

  • Copier Lease
  • Toner Cartridge
  • Copier Repair
  • Copier Rental
  • Toner Cartridge

Canon Printers Lease

Sign lease contract and make any initial payments

Coverage for service and maintenance

ENERGY STAR ratings can help you reduce your costs.

Get quotes from several providers

The following are typical steps for leasing a copier or multifunction device:

The Right Choice for Your Business

Clean spills immediately and use dust covers

Copier Lease Cost - Copier Repair

  1. Copier Lease
  2. Toner Cartridge
  3. Copier Repair

Copier Sales

Canon Printers Lease
Ricoh Printers Lease

Supply/consumables costs

Handle a special project or overflow workload

Delivery and installation schedule

If applicable, buyout options are available at the end of the lease term.

Length of lease term - Typically 3-5 years; can be shorter or longer

Allowed print/copy volume - Per month and over term; overages usually cost more

Kyocera Printers Lease

Request quotes from multiple providers

Lease term length - Typically 36-60 months

Monthly duty cycle - Total monthly recommended print volume

Select a model that meets your current and future printing and copying requirements.

Tax Treatment: Lease payments can be claimed as an operating expense. Purchased assets may also be depreciated.

Kyocera Printers Lease

Frequently Asked Questions

Ensure the lease aligns with your business needs, choose the right leasing company, and maintain the copier properly to maximize its utility.

One cost-effective option is leasing copiers instead of purchasing them outright. Leasing spreads costs over time, includes maintenance, and allows for easy upgrades.

Opt for a fair market value lease, consider energy-efficient models, negotiate service agreements, and assess your true copier needs to save costs.